Availability of sizes:
Normal Sizes: Glass up to an area of 6 sq.m and both dimensions less than 3.66m are considered normal sizes. Small sizes: The smallest size of tempered glass is generally 250mm. Lamination and double glazing should be with one dimension of at least of 350mm. these are common limitations on small sizes but some processors have the capability to produce sizes smaller than these.
Large sizes: Glasses bigger than normal sizes as above and up to 2440 x 3660mm or (8x12ft) are considered large glasses. These glasses are marginally higher priced than normal sizes but are commonly available with most float manufacturers and glass processors for tempered, laminated and Double-glazed units.
Extra Large and Jumbo sizes: Glasses of size more than 2440 x 3660mm are considered Jumbo sizes and have a limited availability and very high prices. There are critical problems with transportation, loading, unloading and handling within the processing factories and at site involving huge risks and costs. It should be avoided unless the project requirement is very rigid. A few processors can make jumbo glasses with limitation on one dimension or the other. While processing of Jumbo glasses may be possible, tinted and coated float glasses are not generally not available for processing.
Special processes: Some of the processes like ceramic printing or decoration may have limitation on maximum size of process and need to be examined in advance while designing.
Holes and Cutouts: Holes and countersunk holes with diameters of up to 35 mm and cutouts for glass doors and showers are considered normal holes. Countersunk holes are generally treated at par with cutouts. Larger holes and cutouts are possible with most processors but are considered special and priced higher. There are some minimum distances between holes and the edges and these have to respected for structural stability of the glass. Please see diagram.

Bent glasses: Unless specified, most glasses are considered to be flat glasses. While designing with curved glasses, special attention has to be paid on what king of curve is possible and limitation on sizes and extent or depth of curvature.
Some of the curvature types are given in the diagram and are briefly described for possibilities below:
Cylindrical bends and parellograms: Are one-side curvatures and generally possible with tempered, laminated as well as double glazed units. Glasses with radius of curvature less than 2000mm (2000R) are considered tight bends for tempered glass and are uncommon and difficult.
Laminated glass with both glasses tempered is manageable with thickness of both glasses as 6mm and radius of curvature more than 6000R. Tighter bends are possible with annealed laminated glass but the total depth of bend is generally limited to less than 500mm.
Double glazed units with normal spacers are possible above 6000R. for tighter radius, special spacers and special platen press has to be used but feasible.
Conical, spherical and special shapes: are possible with annealed bent glass or with annealed bent laminated glass. Special moulds have to be made for each curvature. The process is very time consuming, complicated and expensive but achievable. Depth of bends have to generally below 500mm.
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New Delhi 110003
Phone : +18007556020
Email : info@fosg.in
MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00
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